الثلاثاء، 23 يونيو 2015


Trial or test text

Do names have – as digits – a local value ? let us try.

.....................        Then others came, including Habel and Nabel, Eve and Adam, al-Farabi, al-Biruni, Lech Walesa, Jamal Abdunnaser, Javier Solana, Augusto Pinochet, Aristotle, Messi, Madonna, Umm Kulthum, Fairuz, an-Nagshabandi, Yasser al-Adamah, McDonald, Mitterrand (Francois), Ahlam Moustaghanmi, Tarek  et-Taieb, Berlusconi, the Janjaweed, Abu Bakr es-Sideeq, ibn Kardazabba, Ernesto Che Guevara, Bayhaqi, Nancy Ajram, the Stateless, Soad Yones, Ibrahim abu Arabs and Jews, Ibrahim Idris, Fatima Zahra the Shiite!!, Tahani  Derby, Descartes, Shahryar, Averroes, the World Cup, Omar al-Mukhtar, Ronaldo, Ali Masood Mikael, The Seen Sad, The Sad Sheen, abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Abdulaziz Wanis, Ayman Nour, Boko Haraam, Adel Imam, Adel bu Jeldain, the most important symbols of Realism, Dadaism and Surrealism, the LRA, Pele, Marconi, Benito Mussolini, Sadat, Abduljalil, Galileo, Abdulhadi Shahin, Tolstoy, Saul, Goliath, Marlboro, Gandhi, the Sabeans, Izzuddin Zidane, Homer the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, the director of Bab Elhara, Saed al-Gemani, the author of the Unique Necklace, Izzuddin Aibak, Aboba, Tagore, Yusif Zidan, the Non-Aligned States, FAO, the Conqueror, the chairman of OPEC, Vaclav Havel, Peru the inventor, the Bulgarian Nurses accused in the case of AIDS children, Edison, Saddam Husain, Nuri Said, Nathali Sarraute, Tunis Muftah, Salmeen Zarrouk, first one who has visited Antarctica, Pablo Picasso, Omar ibn al-Khattab, Izzuddin al-Mahdi, Alfred Nobel, the Nobel Award, the Last Amawean Caliph, the First Abbasean Caliph, Abbas Madani, Victor Hugo, Hugo Chávez, the authors of the Arabian Nights, Khomeini, Julius Nyerere, Nail Armenstrong the first one landed on the moon, Scheherazade, Hala Sarhan, Milan Kundera, Mohammed Iqbal, Pushkin,  ibn Jenni : the author of the Properties, ibn al-Alqami, Yunus of the Whale, Yunus the fish seller, Yuri Gagarin, the first one took place in the space around the Earth, Yusif al-Quiry, tailor No. 160 who participated in the covering of the Kaaba sewing, the Olympics, Maxwell, Maxim Gorky, Einstein, President of the Comoros, Ahmed Fitouri, Abel and Cain, Nawal El Saadawi, Sigmund Freud, Hosni Barzani, Sultan Abdulhamid, David Alhoweti, The Dalai Lama, lama, the first one has climbed the Himalayas, Yagoot Hamawi : the author of Countries Glossary, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hamid Karzai, Nikos Kazantzakis, Gabriel Marquez, Beethoven, Rehab Shinnib, Mejdoub, Taha Husain, Abdussalam Alhor, Idris Itterkawy, Idris es-Saul, Ali Fadeel, bu id-Derdiya, Vladimir Lenin, bu Galloway, Helen Thomas, Hasan Nasrallah, Ali bu Harara, Abdulwahhab Grengo, Ahmed Naser Grein, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Abdurrahman ibn Miljam, Deek Aljinn, Abbas al-Akkad, Mustafa al-Akkad, Abdullah Ghaith, Mansoor Sergewa, Yusif as-Sibai, Yusif ash-Shareef, Churchill, as-Sadeq Naihoum, Salem al-Aucalai, Khaz'al- Majidi, George Washington, the mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani a complex prophet (Messiah +Mahdi) who leaves nothing to be claimed, he and his band, those call themselves Ahmadi plan to monopoly  two of the most famous absents, Mansoor bu Ishnaf, Ramez in-Nwesri, Naji Alharbi, Sudanese Lobna Ahmad Hosain who was involved in trousers wearing, Tawfiq al-Hakim, Ali al-Fallah, Libyan Abdussalam Ojaili, Syrian Abdussalam Ojaili, Gilgamesh, Ahmed Yusuf Agila, Fidel Castro, Basit bu Bakr, Gomaa Abdulaleem, Gomaa Alfakhery, Jameela bu Haired, ash-Sharif Ghariani, Abdurrahman Azzam, at-Tahtawi, Muhammad Abduh, Vasco da Gama, at-Taieb as-Saleh, Ibrahim al-Koni , abu Trika, Herodotus, jeweler who weighed the added gold and silver for the Kaaba cover, Egyptian Mohammed Abdulwahhab, Saudi Mohammed Abdulwahhab, Houthi, the Bermuda Islands, Américo Vespucci, Hasan Rahim, Rasool Adnan, swastika, the Prince of Wales, Mutanabbi, Rommel, Tzvetan Todorov, Christopher Columbus, the King Idris, Garibaldi, Mohammad as-Sadiq, Salah Shaikhi, Saleh al-Abyad, Freddie Gray, Plato, as-Seddeeq bu Dowwara, Hamad and Ihmaideh, Saad al-Hemri, Rousseau, Michiavelli, Karl Marx, Husain Hebri, Hegel, Cervantes's Don Quixote, Nizar al-Hunayd, Hasan bu Saif, haisa bais,  the Baha'i : owner of sacred shrines in Palestine, Fathi Shwihdi, Samir Shwihdi, Ramadan bu Ejaila, Fahim al-Hesadi, abu Tammam, Mahyar Dailami, the founder of the Freemasonry, the founder of Rotary clubs, Sheikh al-Albani, Ahmed Bello, al-Kwakebi, Abu Bakr ibn abi Dawood Sijistani : author of the Korans book, Saleh's she camel, your Uncle's camel, your lame donkey, Mohammed al-Asfar, WAC, Aquinas, Montesquieu, Taraki, ibn Batota, Mohammed Hasanein Heikal, Mu'awiya, Hitler, MBCC (Bisisi's Mother), swallows, hornets, flowers, Soha and insominia, twilight, a group of bitter truths, delicious lies, Dahi Khalfan, HAMAS, Mullah Omar, abu Mazen, Shakespeare, Noah, Henry VIII, three wishes are not able to walk, al-Jahez, Ayman Zidane, Zakaria Peter, Imraja Almansori, Abdulhamid Batao, Sharehulbal Abdulhadi, Nora Ibrahim, Irwaie Mosa, genome, Nelson Mandella, Anthony Quinn, Maktoob the Emirati Site, Yusuf Shakeer, Yahoo Company and …….
         ………, Barack Osama!!!, Obama bin Laden!!!, those could not be named = perhaps too bad to be named = illi ma yessammosh : their name in Libyan Slang is considered as vulgar but  in Arabic is acceptable!!! , Lot, of Noon perhaps He is not of Hout (whale) who previously stated because the names here are more important than the named, Jean Bedel or Salahuddin Ahmed Bokassa, Mary or Fauziya, Farag or Muftah Mailood and …..….
         ………. , Josef : the owner of wells which the lost orbit around, Creative Chaos,  Itnaish : the owner of a unique lamp in The Darkness Village, Degarem : that woman suffers lethal leisure so she likes to see off who departs, Zighot : that man who has known surely that his home has destroyed yet he has not known why, PRISM, Itnain : that man we sure he will not repent, illi ma yessammosh again, Femen, Wikileaks, Sabatesha, Sabatera, the stake of Khowtam il–Yud firstly then Khowtam il–Yud himself (khowtam il–yud = who puts more rings on his fingers) and he has mentioned in the past in a shittawa is said to dancer woman in the Kishk and it says that all of absents has come :
 Iddowdash ya khowtam il–yud
 Alai zowlak mao ghaeb hud
O, rings wearer ; walk slowly; you welcome
 For your shadow; all of absents has come!!
 , Kobane, ISIS, the Odyssey, the American Dawn of the Odyssey,  the German Pegasus or the German Pegasus??!!, Edward Joseph Snowden, employing of dirty fuck (sex) and politicization of sexual organs in so called Arab Spring, Bernard Henry Levy, Deb or Dib of Kamboot, Kamboot Destruction, Libyan magic power so called the Libyan Marboot who causes disasters abroad (overseas) and He is the developed ambassador of Kamboot Deb, Wahawi and his girlfriend Ieiaha, at-Taira : that woman became a bird, makes newborn ill ; its story is a revenge story ; the context cannot permit to explain, illi ma yessammosh again, Mohammed Motallel, Hassona Tatanaki, Idbayba, Nazem at-Tiiari, Hamza at-Tohami,  Tunisian women be volunteers in Jihad Matrimony, Gog and Magog and …..…..
          ….….., all of the famous waited : several revised versions of Mahdi, Tammooz, Arthur : legendary rescuer whom English wait, Michael Jackson, Gaddafi, Mansoor Alkikhia, Mosa as-Sadr, Godot of Samuel Beckett, ibn Syyad or Saed, several revised versions of Quack : I do see the world full of various kinds of quacks ; even the Waited Messiah in different religious scenarios ; why do we suppose He hasn't come yet after the world had reached a seductive level of destruction greater than His conditions and our wishes? If He concerns in the matter of the Orient and its neighbors!!!
         …….. , the Great Sedition, Othman's T-shirt, Othman, ….., ……, ….and … even (I) has come … and I am still waiting him (perhaps He isn't a rescuer) ; all I have asked did not give me a convincing answer ; few of them assured me that they saw Absent ; He was with Excuse ;  everyone says that in order to remain Absent as absent ; worthy of his name should not return or come because in his return or coming is his death and that will kill the Waiting Idea too.
       It is a convincing proof but perhaps if we adopt it, that will kill Absent and kill the Waiting Idea too ; because the absent who won't come ; his existence definitely equals his nonexistence ; so ….   
*The first Arabic draft of this trial story was published in the November 20, 2009 and its English translation was published after that in a few days on my canceled blog : (mazeltna.maktoobblog.com).

This text is experimental in many sides :
_ It is experimental to test the effect of names' montage.
_ It is experimental to discover independence of name in sometimes of named : is it incredible that the name is being refused or acceptable according the language?
_ It is experimental to test the effect of names mixing : Barack Osama, Obama bin Laden.
_ It is experimental to test the effect which the names dualism inspires ; (specially for Libyans) names like : Salahuddin Ahmad Bokassa (the Islamic name) of Jean Bedel Bokassa ,and recalling  Bokassa's becoming a Muslim and remind them – as is said – Bokassa's circumcision , that shows political and religious employment of the sexual organs!
_ It is experimental to test the difference of the interaction between Arabic Readers and English Readers ; when I have gone into this experiment for six years (i.e. in 2009) on my canceled blog , I received no comments on the Arabic text but I received huge amount on English text in English and other languages perhaps : Greek and Russian .
_ Approaching this interference between the epistemological and ontological ; every famous absent was mentioned ; we don’t surely know whether his presence is epistemological or  ontological (e.g. Godot of Samuel Beckett) ; even the absent death is confusing ; what worth mentioning is (absent) means in Libyan Slang sometimes (dead) specially of the relatives ; and in Islamic Terms there is a prayer so called absentee prayer ; it is a funeral prayer but when there isn't a corpse ; is this absence epistemological or  ontological? ; this sort of  absents is common in Libya now because of this civil war.
_ Approaching this contradiction in position of who believes in absent rescuer in several religions : that absent most probably will not come unless the world reaches its utmost destruction and when comes He stays for a short time then the world ends ;  the contradiction is latent in this psychological conflict between to be that believer in presence of that absent and believer's refusing of the destruction which is a condition for coming of absent.
_ Approaching this employment of prophecies of Absents in political conflicts. The maker of the prophecy launches it without specifying when it will come true .. that means an open waiting case and means that all prophecies always true. The prophecy sometimes deeds as incentive urges who believes in it to work in order to make it come true ..in the prophecy there is inspiration or directing of the coming generations to do a determined work.  
_ It is opportunity to discuss the Waiting Idea which we find in several religions.
_ Thinking about –as is said–   magical dimension of names and the problems of dictation in Arabic and English at least.    
_ It is chance to remember some of my friends when I put their names randomly in most cases with famous names , every name has own impact and inspiration .. I don't know for which group I will say : sorry : for those I didn't mention or for those I have already mentioned. 

_ And perhaps other purposes will emerge in future .. although the publishing of this text may be risky and may make this account out off controlling, I publish it!!.    

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